Current CIFCA Rules
(2024 Rule changes are in red)
1. General
2. Technical & Safety
3. Tow Money
4. Purse & Points Fund
5. Points
6. Qualifying
7. Bonus Programs
8. Member Benefits
9. Officers & Elections
10. Contingency Program
11. Competitor Discounts
*Flip-Top Style FC Body
*Any Year Body
*Gasoline or Alcohol
*Blowers, Turbos Accepted
*Nitrous Permitted Unblown
*No Weight Minimum
*No Cubic Inch Limit
*Heads Up, 7.50 Index
*Deep Staging OK
*Open Qualifying
*NHRA Licensed
*Refer to NHRA 7.50-9.99 rules for more specifics
A. Objective:
CIFCA main objective is to entertain the fans with a quality funny car show while upholding safety as our main priority. This is achieved by providing a means for affordable funny car racing.
B. Competitor Dues:
$250/yr; Membership expires Dec. 31.
C. Entry Forms:
Required by 5pm, Friday, one week prior to race.
Contains contingency information. Can be mailed, faxed or completed online.
D. Entry Fees:
No racetrack fee to those that pre-register one week in advance.
E. Final Authority:
Track officials have the last word.
* F. Field Format:
Points events will be either an 8 or 16 car elimination ladder. 16 car ladder will be: 1) Predetermined by the track promoter or 2) Set if 14 cars are capable of racing prior to 1st round of eliminations.
In some rare instances, there may be only one qualifying session for a 16 car ladder.
G. Index:
All races are contested on a 1/4 mile at 7.10 or 7.50 index
1/8 mile at 4.50 or 4.70 (1000ft 5.90 Index)
Unless otherwise specified.
H. License:
Competitor must possess a NHRA license.
License Required (Mandatory): Category B – Class 4.
License Recommended: Category B – Class 3. (Advanced ET)
* I. Break Rule:
If a winning car breaks prior to the semi-finals, closer to the index ET loser of the previous round will be substituted. Substitutes will collect money/points for only rounds won. If one of the 2 finalists break, rule will not apply.
J. Deep Staging: Permitted
* K. Appearance:
Cars should be painted and presentable. CIFCA decal preferred on both sides of funny car.
Series Sponsor decals displayed on both sides of funny car. Bonus Sponsors of your choice displayed on both sides of funny car
2. Technical & Safety
A. Must meet NHRA Bracket One Rules (7.50-10.99)
B. Fuel: NHRA fuels accepted including Gas, Alcohol, Propone, Natural Gas, and Nitrous Oxide.
Nitrous not permitted on supercharged engines
No Nitro
C. Blowers & Screwchargers: Permitted
D. Weight: No Minimum
E. Chassis: Certification Required 6.00
F. Body: Any year; Must be a full flip top funny car body
All four wheels must be covered. Altereds prohibited.
Unusual body styles subject to approval
G. Rear light: Required
H. Wheel base: 100" Minimum
I. Engine Diapers: Mandatory on all cars
J. 60-1320’ Rule: Programmed disruption of engine power between 60’ and 1320’ is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: electronic throttle stops, stutter boxes, timers, etc…
K. Data Loggers Permitted (Logging Only)
3. Tow Money
A. General:
Tow money is paid to teams that pre-enter one week in advance.
B. Conditions
$.50/mile for distances traveled greater than 100 miles.
Maximum distance paid will be 1000 mile – 1 way.
(May be greater at certain events – teams will be notified)
No tow money if rainout or complete cancellation.
Must make a reasonable effort to race to be eligible for tow money.
C: Mileage Calculations:
Miles will be determined from Google Maps
All miles are one way.
4. Purse & Bonus Fund
* A. General: A purse of $3200 is guaranteed (for 8 cars)
A. General: A purse of $5000 is guaranteed (for 16 cars)
* B: Breakdown:
Winner.............. $800
Runner up......... $600
Semi……....…...... $400
First Round........ $250
Note: If 16 car field, Quarter finalist: $300, 1st round: $200
* C: $3000 Points Fund. Presented at Awards Banquet
Champion.......... $ 1,000
2nd Place........... $ 750
3rd Place............ $ 500
4th Place............ $ 400
5th Place............ $ 350
5. Points
A. Structure:
Qualify Points: Round Points:
1…..16pts 5….. 8 Winner.............. 800pts
2…..14 6….. 6 Runner up......... 600
3…..12 7….. 4 Semi-Finalist………. 400
4…..10 8...... 2 1st Round......... 200
Show up: 100 points to all teams that make at least one pass.
* B. 16 car show:
Round points will be increased by 200 starting with 2nd round.
C. Alternates:
No first round points or money.
No qualifying points if no qualifying passes made.
May be instated if a car fails to appear in the staging lanes within a reasonable amount of time.
D. Substitutes:
No additional round points or money for cars that fail to advance during eliminations under the break rule.
Must win the round to earn additional money & points.
Rule does not apply after semi-finals.
E. Cancellation:
Prior to first round of eliminations – 100 points each + Qual Pts.
Completion of a full round – Based on previous round ET’s
If final is postponed one day:
Finalists have the option to run off at a later time
F. Waivers:
Competitors will waiver 1 race per every 5 scheduled.
(1-4 races = 0 waiver, 5-9 = 1, 10-14 = 2)
Waivers will automatically be dropped from the points standing at the end of the season.
Waivers may include an event where a team does not show up.
Only qualifying & eliminations points will be wavered.
100 show up points will not be dropped.
G. Ties
A tie in the Top 5 will be determined by an alternate points system: Wins – 6pts, Runner ups- 3pts, Semi – 1 point
A tie in bonus program will be determined by whom did it first.
6. Qualifying
A. Sessions: Competitor should make at least one session.
B. Staging: Must fully stage to be a qualifying pass.
C. Pairing: Teams must alternate lanes during qualifying.
D. Run Positions:
Low qualifier has choice of run position (i.e. 1st pairing out, etc..).
Low ET winner from previous round has choice of lane & run position.
* E. Cap:
A proportional cap of the index will be in effect during qualifying at all open shows
Basically, this is a .2 penalty (1/4 Mile) .1 penalty (1000ft)
Cars breaking out will have the amount of breakout added to the index.
(Ex. 7.49 pass = 7.71 qualifying ET)
(Ex. 7.09 pass = 7.31 qualifying ET)
(Ex. 5.89 pass = 6.01 qualifying ET)
Ladder will be set as follows:
a. Closest to the index (positive)
b. Breakouts
c. Identical ET’s will be determined by MPH.
d. Those that did not make a pass will draw numbers for position.
No qualifying points to those that make the show without making a pass.
7. Bonus Programs
* A. Burnout Challenge:
Judged by the fans and track announcer
Conducted during the 2nd qual session. When there is only one qual
session, it will be conducted during 1st round of eliminations.
* B. Quick Reaction Time (QRT):
Awarded to the team with the QRT during eliminations
Overall QRT Champion will be determined by the most wins
* C. Rookie of the Year:
Awarded to the rookie driver (not team) with most points.
Must be inaugural season with CIFCA. If competed in less than half
of the races, will be eligible in 2nd season.
8. Member Benefits (I. Competitor)
A. General:
One that has paid the annual dues is an Active Competitor
Membership runs from January 1st thru December 31st
B. Benefits:
I. Right to compete at CIFCA events
II. No racetrack entry fees
III. Free crew members admittance (limited)
IV. 1st class sub to Injection Connection (IC)
V. CIFCA monthly newsletter (News & Views)
VI. Special lodging rates
VII. Various Discounts (Long Deal, Jobber, etc…)
VIII. Color Poster Calendars
IX. 2 Vinyl Graphic Decals
Any of the above privileges may be revoked if abused
II. General Members
A. Scope: Designed to stay in touch with crews, fans, supporters…
$35/year (12 full calendar months)
B. Benefits:
I. Subscription to CIFCA News & Views
II. CIFCA T-shirt
9. Officers & Elections
* A. General:
The following positions are voted upon annually:
1. President:
Responsible for overall organization
Negotiate race schedule and money
Call meetings (Officers & Drivers)
Arrange lodging discounts
Draw up agendas
2. Publicist:
Represent CIFCA at special events
Educate newcomers CIFCA’s Benefits and Bylaws
Coordinate with track announcer
Write and mail press releases (usually monthly)
Contact local newspaper and radio stations prior to events
3. Race Director:
Keep track of qualifying and eliminations
Notify competitors of lanes, times & pairing
Verify all entries for contingencies
(Tech is the responsibility of the racetrack)
4. Sponsor Coordinator:
Contact current and potential sponsors
Assist Race Director in verification at track
Mail contingency forms to sponsors after race
Collect points fund donations from sponsors
Will handle a limited number of sponsors
B. Terms:
All terms begin January 1st and end December 31st
C. Nomination:
Nominations will be at the last drivers meeting.
Phone/mail nomination accepted.
An office can be held by any person.
D. Voting
Must be competitor or active officer to vote.
Results will be announced at the annual Awards Banquet.
These privileges may be revoked at any time if abuse is detected.